Saturday, August 9, 2008

how to get rid of acne

Do you know that it is practically possible to get rid of acne by following simple lifestyle modifications? Yes. Without any drugs, just by following simple lifestyle modifications you can get rid of your acne very easily.
Of course, drugs also work towards acne cure since they are specifically created for that. But, in how many persons have the drugs cured acne? You know the answer very well.
Curing your acne is more than simply applying or consuming drugs. The acne is formed by the combination of various processes that include clogging of pores, infection (bacterial growth) and inflammation.
The drugs available in the market do not work at all of these stages simultaneously. Either they work on one or two stages at a time. That's why you are not able to get rid of your acne completely by using the drugs available in the market.
So what is the solution to get rid of acne?
I have a solution for acne problem. In my personal experience I have found that by carefully analyzing and eliminating the skin care products which cause acne one can eliminate acne to the most extent possible.
Have you ever analyzed your personal cosmetics and skin care products you are using on your skin?
In my personal experience with acne, I have found that my personal cosmetics and skin care products are the major culprits for my acne. They caused inflammation and allergy on my sensitive skin which were translated into severe acne nodules filled with white pus.
1. Analyze all your cosmetics and skin care products you apply on your skin.
2. Avoid using them on your skin
3. If they are very important to your skin, try finding substitutes
By doing this strategy alone, you will find that your acne is disappearing slowly from your face.
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