Saturday, August 9, 2008

6 facial skin care treatment tips

Acne is one of the most common problems that people face no matter what age they are. Eighty percent of people have had blackheads or white heads at least once in their life time. If left untreated acne blackhead and whiteheads become harder to cure and can lead to infection if left unchecked. If you leave your acne untreated it may lead to abscess.
Prevention is the best choice when looking to treat acne, a good facial skin care treatment can be a great way to maintain clear skin and keep your acne from even getting started.
Acne products with antibiotics can be a very effective solution for curing mild to severe acne. Oral medication can also be an effective solution to treat acne problems.
Many Individuals believe topical medicated creams are good options when treating moderate acne. Before considering acne skin care treatment you might want to consider these tips:
1) Buy hypoallergenic acne creams they are all natural and can be used by pregnant women and children without any irritation or pain. It is very important to understand what ingredients are in the acne products that you use.
2) Take notes on how your skin reacts to certain acne skin care products, no one product works for everybody. After your first application check for allergies and side effects.
3) Drink at least eight glasses of water a day; water is great for your health as it helps your body get rid of all its impurities.
4) Take a daily Multi-Vitamin Supplement; taking extra vitamin E can be extremely helpful for your skin.
5) Exfoliate your face at least once a week. This will help remove the dead skin cells and is one of the top facial skin care treatments tips.
6) A little sun can go along way, sun helps dry up the oil glands that can lead to acne. Be careful when using sun tan lotion that contain chemical that are oily and can lead to blocking your pores.
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